Rathiulung Elias KC (Thiu) is from Manipur, Northeast India and belongs to the Zeliangrong-Inpui Naga community. He is currently a PhD candidate at the Centre for the Study of World Christianity, University of Edinburgh. His research interests include Indigenous Christianity, especially among ethnic minorities of Highland Asia, Anthropology of Christianity, world Christianity, and theological works of Yangkahao Vashum, Wati Longchar, Emmanuel Katongole, Wolfhart Pannenberg and Stanley Grenz.
I have lived and studied in India, South Korea, Canada, and now in the UK. Through my time in these locations, I have developed interest in the multiple expressions of Christianity in local contexts around the world. My PhD research specifically looks at understanding the encounters between Zeliangrong lifeworld and Christianity.
I run my personal podcast channel called, The Contemplative Tribal Podcast. It focuses on highlighting stories, ideas, and practices from the perspective of tribal life of Northeast India. Besides that, along with two other PhD students (Nuam and Chao), we run the podcast, Voices of World Christianity.