

PhD Candidate in World Christianity
School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh
Thesis: Jisu Krista in the Land of the Rongmei Nagas: Continuity and Change among Upland Tribals of Manipur, India.


Master of Theology (ThM) in Applied Theology
Regent College, Vancouver BC, Canada
Thesis: Towards a Public, Eschatological, and Redemptive Christology: A Reciprocal Thematic Evaluation of Contextual Theologies in Zeliangrong Christianity and Wolfhart Pannenberg


Master of Divinity (MDiv) in Intercultural Studies
Torch Trinity Graduate University, Seoul, South Korea


Bachelor of Science (Zoology honours)
St. Edmund’s College (North East Hill University), Shillong, India

Academic Roles

Tutor, School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh

History of Christianity as a World Religion (2020-21 Semester I)
Religion, Violence, and Peacebuilding (2020-21 Semester II)
Global Indigenous Religions (2021-22 Semester II)
Christian Theology: Debates and Doctrines (2022-23 Semester I)
History of Christianity as a World Religion (2022-23 Semester II)

Online Lecturer, Apollos Project of Torch Trinity Graduate University (TTGU), Seoul, South Korea

Apollos Project is a theological education programme of TTGU for ministry leaders in the Majority World. The programme is hosted on-site for about 160 students in seminaries across Uganda, Tanzania, Congo, and Burundi. The responsibilities for each course include designing and building syllabus, delivering lectures (40 lecture hours), organising interactive media content to be shared through online platforms, and online discussions with students (10 total hours).

Lectures conducted:

Upcoming lectures:

  • Systematic Theology,
  • Hermeneutics,
  • World Christianity.
Guest Lecturer, Faith Mission Bible College (FMBC)

“Mission History: Perspectives from Asia.” 2021 and 2022

Ministerial Roles

  • Pastor, English Ministry (part-time)
    2018-Present: Chinese Evangelical Church in Edinburgh (CECE), 愛丁堡華人福音教會 Chinese Evangelical Church in Edinburgh (
  • Ministry Intern (part time)
    2018-2019: Students’ Ministry, Faith Fellowship Baptist Church (Website)
  • Youth Pastor
    2014- 2018: Shillong Baptist Church, Shillong, India.
  • Chaplain
    2012-2014: Zeliangrong Christian Fellowship, Shillong, India.
  • Worship Leader (part time)
    2009- 2011: All Nations English Worship Service (ANEWS), Onnuri Mission Center, Onnuri Presbyterian Church, Ansan, South Korea.

Academic Networks

Researching Indigenous Studies and Christianity (RISC)

RISC is a growing network of research scholars (currently 9 PhD students) working on the intersection of Indigenous studies and Christianity from universities across UK, USA, South Korea. As output, RISC plans to publish an edited volume soon.
Website: RISC Network

Other networks I am a part of:

  • Yale-Edinburgh Group on World Christianity and the History of Mission (member)
  • Ethnography-Theology Reading Group (member) – a group formed after the Ethnography-Ecclesiology Network’s Durham Conference 2022.
  • Society for the Study of Theology (member)
  • Highlander Journal, Reviews team (member)
  • Scholars at the Peripheries, Centre for the Study of Religion & Politics, University of St Andrew’s (member)
  • Rongmei Scholars’ Association (member)