Peer-reviewed Articles
‘More than merry-making’: Tribal-Indigenous Baptists and their lifeworlds of festivities

Practical Theology, Special Issue on ‘Majority World Epistemologies’. Open Access (free download)

Performing Heritage, Theology and ‘Land’ in the Lujam Songs of the Rongmei Nagas of North-east India

Studies in World Christianity, Special Issue on ‘Oral, Print and Digital Cultures’ 2021. Contact me for PDF version.

“His Beautiful Face Obscured by the Blood-Red”: Christological Ruminations in the Lujam Songs of the Rongmei Nagas

Journal of Tribal Studies, XXVI Nos. 1 & 2, 2022, Tribal Studies Centre, Eastern Theological College, Jorhat, Assam (India).

Book Reviews and Chapters

Book Reviews:

Book Chapters:

  • “Land, Crises, and Religion: Tribal Christians in the Borderland State of Manipur,” eds. Mario I. Aguilar, Elilo Ezung, Rathiulung Elias KC., Reimagining India (manuscript submitted).
  • “Eco-consciousness and the Afterlives of Liberation among Tribal Baptists in Northeast India,” eds. Mario I. Aguilar, Eve Parker, James Morris., Handbook of Liberation Theology vol 2. De Gruyter’s (manuscript submitted).
  • “Indigenising a World Religion: Critical Reflections on the Rongmei Lujam”, eds. Senganglu Thaimei and Richard Kamei, Land, Indigeneity, and Cosmology: An Anthology of Essays on the Rongmei Nagas (manuscript submitted).